10 Essential Leadership Qualities in Times of Crisis

When I first wrote this, we were fully in the grip of the 2020 global pandemic. This experience was unlike anything we had encountered before and it greatly impacted all of us in nations, communities, and neighborhoods around the globe.

During that time, we saw the responses of our leaders at the national, state, and local levels as we attempted to cope and weather this storm. It was clearly evident that some leaders were much more effective than others.

The role of leadership is critical during times of challenge and upheaval, as our leaders provide information, help with acquisition of needed resources, and coordinate responses on a large scale level to mitigate crises and to ensure that critical health and safety needs are addressed.

As I’ve watched several leaders in recent years, I’ve taken note of some of the qualities of the most effective leaders during times of crisis.

It’s important for all of us to try to intentionally note and exhibit these effective leadership skills and abilities, when we are called upon to take on essential leadership roles and tasks.

It’s not uncommon to be put in leadership roles at work. However, we also have to exhibit leadership at home during times of crisis to help our families and children stay safe and healthy and to provide them the love, support and key resources they need.

Furthermore, we may be called on by our friends, neighbors and communities to help others in need.

Here’s my unofficial list of 10 leadership qualities that are essential during times of crisis:

1) Providing accurate information. Great leaders provide current, candid and accurate information to inform others about a crisis. Ideally, this information includes science-based data and regular updates from credible sources to increase the public’s awareness of current conditions and what to expect next.

2) Acquiring critical resources. Leaders understand that some resources will be more critically needed than others and they work actively to help people have access to those resources as quickly as possible.

3) Providing support and encouragement. The best leaders know that we need not only information and resources, but emotional support, a caring demeanor and reassurance to help calm common fears and anxieties.

4) Being accessible and approachable. Great leaders seem to always be present. They can be easily accessed to answer questions and they project warmth, calm and openness to those they serve.

5) Taking appropriate action. Quick and dramatic actions are often needed to address the crisis. Great leaders aren’t afraid to make the tough decisions and to implement key plans needed to help manage the situation more effectively.

6) Keeping channels of communication open. The most effective leaders promote and model constant, open, and thorough two-way communication to keep information flowing, and to continue to provide resources and support throughout the crisis.

7) Showing honesty and integrity. Great leaders do what they say they will do. In other words, they not only “talk the talk,” they also “walk the walk.” Their behavior is guided by clearly visible principled values. They are consistently trustworthy.

8) Adapting when necessary. Leadership in a time of crisis often calls for sudden changes in strategy in response to quickly changing or newly emerging conditions. Effective leaders are able to adapt when needed to make course corrections in the face of new challenges.

9) Staying for the long haul. The best leaders are there until the crisis is over, continuing to do the work required, fighting for their people, and keeping the promise of hope for a brighter day alive.

10) Working through recovery. After the immediate crisis has passed, there will often be an extended period of recovery and rebuilding before things get back to normal. Great leaders manage these transitions, assess ongoing needs and keep assisting others as long as necessary.

Even though we may face many crises in our lives, we can use these challenging experiences as opportunities for learning and growth. We will always need effective leaders to guide us through times of crisis. Perhaps we can all work to improve our leadership skills so we may be better prepared for current and future periods of crisis and challenge.

Here’s a question: What additional leadership qualities are important during times of crisis? Please leave a comment. Also, please subscribe to my blog and feel free to follow me on X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram, “like” my Facebook page, or connect on LinkedIn. Finally, if you enjoyed this post, please share it with a friend.