Benefits of Public Figures Talking About Mental Health Issues

While it’s nothing new for celebrities, athletes, and influencers to talk about deeply personal details of their lives, there has certainly been more open discussion in recent years by public figures of their mental health challenges.

It’s not uncommon for mental health issues to be headline news. Recent examples include gymnast Simone Biles withdrawing from Olympic competition to focus on her mental health, Prince Harry discussing his struggles with anxiety, or the suicide of country singer Naomi Judd.

In an earlier post, I talked about several famous people who are changing the conversation around mental health and mental illness in a more positive direction.

Let’s take a look at several benefits which can come from more candid discussion about mental health issues by public figures.

Raising awareness

Public figures have large platforms through social media and other media outlets, with some having millions of followers. This tremendous reach helps raise overall awareness about mental health and gets messages and information to a wider audience much more quickly.

Public education

Because public figures do have a large audience, people listen to what they say. This provides a great opportunity for them to provide resources and education about mental health conditions, types of treatment, and to correct many common myths, stereotypes, and misinformation. However, keep in mind that public figures are rarely mental health experts, so maintain a healthy skepticism about the information they provide unless they cite authoritative and reliable sources.

You’re not alone

Although public figures are often fortunate to have wealth, fame and a lavish lifestyle, disclosure of their mental health issues shows that people from all walks of life can be greatly affected by a mental health condition. This can help show how common mental health issues are (they affect 1 in 5 adults), which also sends the powerful message that you’re not alone.

Catalyst for change

Mental health disclosures by public figures can be a catalyst for positive change. Their messages can stir emotions and strike a chord with the public. This can influence people to contribute to worthy causes that support mental health or to get more involved in treatment to address their own issues.

It’s okay to talk about it

As more public figures (and more people in general) talk openly about their mental health concerns, this also reduces some of the long-standing stigma and discrimination around these issues. It is in fact okay to talk about it, it’s not a personal weakness, and it’s more than okay to ask for help.

For the reasons outlined above, I do believe there can be considerable benefit from public figures who share personal details about their mental health challenges. But let’s also not forget that it’s a personal decision to talk openly about your own mental health, and don’t ever feel forced to talk about it if you’re not comfortable or ready to do so. If you do choose to share your mental health concerns more openly, start with a trusted friend or family member who you know will support you.

Here’s a question: What are other potential benefits from talking openly about one’s personal mental health challenges? Please leave a comment. Also, please subscribe to my blog and feel free to follow me on X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram, “like” my Facebook page, or connect on LinkedIn. Finally, if you enjoyed this post, please share it with a friend.